Horse Selling Again

I bring four men to view the horses. The animals are staked to the south of the guesthouse. I hitch a ride on the back of one man's motorcycle. Soon E arrives and speaks with them. He was drinking with M and others. As the four ride off on their motorcycles, E calls to me. TJ. You talk, very danger. They think you American, you money have. Maybe they come night time, (throat cutting gesture). I don't know. Now you no talk, you shut up. OK? These people, no want horses. They want money. You let me talk, OK? You American, me Mongolian. I know. OK.

E returns to the guesthouse. He didn't go play poker. He is more drunk than ever. Now he wants me to drink. I was outside, but I come in the guesthouse - a russian train car - to make sure E doesn't mess with my baggage, my computer, my camera. This could be a problem.

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