Balgier the Shaman

Balgier dances
Balgier is not in the second log cabin. He is in the first. We hitch our horses and enter. A young couple from Moron is there, apparently to get a blessing for their marriage. The woman dons shaman clothes, boots, blue cape, a headdress that covers the face. It is a foto op.

Then Balgier does his song and dance. He plays the Jew's harp, bangs on his drum, twirls in the confined space. The woman from Moron writes down his words for me.

I should make offerings to the mountains in the morning, everything will be OK. Balgier asked his spirits to look after me. if I see a big mountain, lake, I should give thanks. Please take nice fotos, make a nice book. Greetings from Balgier.

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